Social Anxiety

Overcome with Thrive

Social Anxiety

Overcome with Thrive

Social Anxiety
What are the symptoms of Social Anxiety?

It is known as social anxiety, social phobia, social anxiety disorder or fear/worry about being judged, humiliated or put on the spot by other people and it does affect an enormous number of us to some extent or another because is the most common type of anxiety disorder.


Watch Sophie’s Testimonial on Social Anxiety

What are the symptoms of Social Anxiety?

It is known as social anxiety, social phobia, social anxiety disorder or fear/worry about being judged, humiliated or put on the spot by other people and it does affect an enormous number of us to some extent or another because is the most common type of anxiety disorder.


Watch Sophie’s Testimonial on Social Anxiety

Social Anxiety

It is very likely that some, if not many, of the following list will be familiar to you:

  • Feeling awkward in social situations and ultra aware
  • Constantly worrying too much about what other people think
  • Feeling the need to stick to the ‘rules’
  • Lacking confidence in social settings, being shy and finding parties and small talk difficult
  • Frequently blushing, stuttering or stammering (especially when under pressure)
  • Having a lack of confidence in certain predictable situations and low Self Esteem
  • Having a fear of ‘being put on the spot’ and/or constantly being judged
  • Find maintaining eye contact with people difficult
  •  A fear of large groups, talking publicly, giving presentations or job interviews
  •  Having a pre-occupation with how you look and what others will say
  • Fear of failure and/or not being good enoughAlways putting yourself last and the inability to say ‘no’
  • Fear of being criticised, mocked or rejected
  • Shy bladder (not wanting/able to urinate in public urinals)    
  •  Sexual performance issues/anxiety (e.g. impotence, premature ejaculation)

For many people social anxiety and social phobia creates significant problems in their lives, often without them knowing the root cause. The issues created via social anxiety and social phobia can seep out into every aspect of your life: perhaps you choose to live alone, or begin to avoid social interactions; you lack confidence in your abilities and your lack of confidence creates difficulties on your work; you fail to get appointed to jobs you are more than capable of doing due to your lack of faith in yourself and this leads to others questioning your abilities too; you may dress in dull or dark colours to try and hide yourself, or perhaps you over-eat as a way of avoiding unwanted attention and/or flattery; you don’t challenge others in order to avoid conflict; or you may be chronically insecure about your relationships with others which can progressively undermine even the strongest of relationships.
There are few statistics about the extent to which people suffer with social anxiety and social phobia, and those that are published come with hefty health warnings about the likely inaccuracies. What we do know though is that almost everyone, at some stage in their life will experience feelings related to social anxiety. state:

Millions of people around the world suffer from Social Anxiety Disorder (also known as Social Phobia) and related conditions. Despite being the most common type of anxiety disorder and the cause of much impairment and suffering, it is under-recognised and under-treated.
However, perhaps because by its very nature sufferers of Social Anxiety are reluctant to talk about their problems or seek help, the condition is still not widely known amongst the general public, and was only recognized as a disorder in its own right as recently as 1980.

Social Anxiety

For many people social anxiety and social phobia creates significant problems in their lives, often without them knowing the root cause. The issues created via social anxiety and social phobia can seep out into every aspect of your life: perhaps you choose to live alone, or begin to avoid social interactions; you lack confidence in your abilities and your lack of confidence creates difficulties on your work; you fail to get appointed to jobs you are more than capable of doing due to your lack of faith in yourself and this leads to others questioning your abilities too; you may dress in dull or dark colours to try and hide yourself, or perhaps you over-eat as a way of avoiding unwanted attention and/or flattery; you don’t challenge others in order to avoid conflict; or you may be chronically insecure about your relationships with others which can progressively undermine even the strongest of relationships.
There are few statistics about the extent to which people suffer with social anxiety and social phobia, and those that are published come with hefty health warnings about the likely inaccuracies. What we do know though is that almost everyone, at some stage in their life will experience feelings related to social anxiety. state:

Millions of people around the world suffer from Social Anxiety Disorder (also known as Social Phobia) and related conditions. Despite being the most common type of anxiety disorder and the cause of much impairment and suffering, it is under-recognised and under-treated.
However, perhaps because by its very nature sufferers of Social Anxiety are reluctant to talk about their problems or seek help, the condition is still not widely known amongst the general public, and was only recognized as a disorder in its own right as recently as 1980.

Social Anxiety
Social Anxiety

Simon helped me completely change my outlook and finally beat my social anxiety after 18 years. I’ve tried self help books, spirituality,counselling, anti depressants which I stopped taking after completing the Thrive programme and many other things that I now know just made my problem more external and therefore worse. My advice to anyone with any problems at all is to study and follow the Thrive programme with Simon and it will change your life for the better. If I can do this anyone can. My new positive mindset and attitudes have also had a big knock on effect with my family. I have never felt so good and I know how I can keep it this way. It is quite simply the best thing I have ever done.

I can’t thank you enough.  Jason (Cardiff)

Social Anxiety

The Thrive Programme – an unrivalled treatment for Social Anxiety

Perhaps there is an upcoming event that you would like specific help with. For example, you may be due to take your driving test (again!) and don’t want to fail it due to nerves; or perhaps you are due to give a presentation to your team at work and are dreading it. For these types of issue one of two sessions of the Thrive Programme can help enable you to reduce your nerves, worry or anxiety about the event and to feel more in control.
It can often help you to obtain a strong visual image of yourself being calm and self-assured in your upcoming event.

Here at Cardiff Thrive we have substantial experience of helping people to reduce anxieties over specific events and you would need just one or two sessions, a week or two before the event in question.

Ongoing and Pervasive Issues with Social Anxiety or Social Phobia

  • Have you found that social anxiety or social phobia is having a limiting effect upon your life?
  • Or perhaps you would like to remove and resolve all future issues with social anxiety?

If the answer to any of the above is yes, then you would benefit most from going through the full Thrive Programme with me which is a unique, research based and self empowering psychological training programme which, as well as aiming to help you to detect, understand and then change any unhelpful thoughts, habits or behaviours that you might have developed in regard to your symptom/s, also aims to help and empower you to create strong psychological and emotional foundations which can often lead to a more confident and resilient you and less likely to worry about any social anxiety related issues any more.

Social Anxiety
My Personal Guarantee to you

With over a decade’s worth of relevant key psychological knowledge and tremendous insight into WHY we have specific symptoms, why not get in contact for a chat, where I can explain exactly how I can help and put your mind at rest by answering any questions you may have with the utmost sensitivity and confidentiality.
I abide by the strict Code of Practice and Ethics of the highest standard as laid down by the Thrive Organisation.
It is of the utmost importance to me, that when you are in my practice, I can provide you with the best possible treatment, tailored specifically for you and in order to do this, I  regularly update my CPD and attend as many additional courses and seminars as I can.
I offer a FREE consultation and a caring, understanding, friendly, relaxed and totally non-judgemental environment .
Simply call or text me on 07833 665978, if I am with a client you can leave a confidential message and I will return your call as soon as possible.
You can also email me at

Social Anxiety



07833 665978

Social Anxiety


Social Anxiety

07833 665978